On the issue of Purchasing Activity the attached graphics and spreadsheet show the First Quarter 2023 activity grouped by vendor type. According to New World data a total of $14,337,606 was expended as accounts payable to outside vendors during this time period.. When sorted by race and gender of vendors data shows 73% of the money was paid to white male owned companies, while 4.6% went to all other MWVDE vendor types.
When sorted by only geography it can be viewed in fig. 2 that 18% of our governments Q1 expenditures stayed with local vendors, and nearly 60% went to non local vendors. The Type 1 - All local Vendor categories are a combination of both minority, women, and white male owned companies located within Bibb county, and account for 13% of the county’s spending.​​​​
The Fig.3 below shows a more detailed breakdown of vendor types, which reveals an even bleaker situation. For Local Minority Companies as they were only able to access less than 1% of the total government spend over the calendar year.
Based upon initial findings the purchasing goals of keeping All Local Participation above 25% (tracked in fig.2), and increasing All MWVDE participation to 5% (tracked in fig.1) appear to be achievable and attainable by year's end.